The Do-It-Yourself Business Model Container

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What you get

In a rapidly changing business world, it is the present value of a data or business model that matters. New ideas have to instantly operational within an easy to access data or process framework. Ranged between a spreadsheet and an enterprise level system, the PL-Tool is a portable meso-scale rapid analysis and prototyping do-it-yourself package. It provides you and your business peers with the key capabilities to intuitively design, operate and manage your professional environment.

  • Design

    As an innovative business developer you explore your data and process landscape, design data or workflow model as you need, code the logic elements in a language of your choice and put it all together in order to make it ready for your organisation

  • Operate

    As an experienced operative officer you conveniently oversee your working environment, run your everyday business in a reliable and documented way and effectively communicate and distribute your results

  • Manage

    As a matured technology manager you secure your organisation's needs with an adequately scalable and policy compliant system infrastructure, oversee and mitigate the related data and process complexities as well as benefit from additional resources contributing to a controlled code base

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Operative Officer

The modest hero who keeps this crazy world running

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1. Check & Show.

  • Check: simulate variable inputs interactively and see the effects.
  • Show: visualize the results in an easily consumable way (dashboard graphics, scatterplots, histograms etc.)
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2. Run & Get Assistance

  • Run: operate daily business processes in different ways (manually, event triggered, scheduled, etc. )
  • Assist: guide the operative officer through a business process with a step-by-step wizard
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3. Comment & Report

  • Comment: tag and trace business processes or objects with comments or markups.
  • Report: manage and populate report templates in order to summarize and document the results in different formats (PDF, DOC, XLS, etc.)
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4. Share & Collaborate

  • Share: make personal or team results accessible for colleagues and business pears
  • Collaborate: work together in order to jointly run business processes and achieve team results.
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Business Analyst

The great mind who shapes a better life for new generations

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1. Explore & Analyze

  • Explore: survey data and process landscapes and drill down into the underlying data entities using different viewers (JSON, XML, rich text, database table, etc.)
  • Analyze: research on data and process landscapes and discover hidden information.
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2. Model & Prototype

  • Model: model and visualize business data or process flows, with individual coding of the related business logic using a wide set of injected languages (Python, JavaScript, R, etc.)
  • Prototype: intuitively compose a working business process prototype from predefined component libraries.
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3. Design & Customize

  • Design: create a user interface out of predefined widgets.
  • Customize: modify the look of the user interface to your needs and/or your corporate design
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4. Finalize & Distribute

  • Finalize: deploy your implemented business models into a personal production ready component library
  • Distribute: make your personal component libraries accessible to your colleagues
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Technology Manager

The wise guy who makes sure that strong characters stay a strong family

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1. Operate & Scale

  • Operate: deploy and run the PL-Tool as a portable platform independent solution.
  • Scale: configure the tool for any operation size, from single-user to firm-wide use.
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2. Integrate & Comply

  • Integrate: make the business application logic part of the organization-wide code base.
  • Comply: impose and monitor standard policies for coding activities of business users in order to fulfil related regulatory requirements.
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3. Orchestrate & Benefit

  • Orchestrate: delegate tasks to business users and integrate with corresponding code and incident management systems, increasing the technological resource base.
  • Benefit: optimize and measure performance indicators by proper allocation of business resources to technology development plans.
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4. Reimplement & Integrate

  • Reimplement: improve on already implemented business logic code within existing workflow nodes with professionally developed functions within the PL-Tool namespace, enterprise-internal systems or cloud solutions.
  • Integrate: make the business logic within the PL-Tool securely interact with other enterprise applications via data exchange, automatically triggered process events or internet communication.